Father's Day


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Half-way to suck swallow breath

Wednesday, 5/7/14

Today Carter's feeds were increased to 4 bottles a day and more if he is rooting.  Rooting is a reflex that occurs when an infants cheek is stroked.  The baby will typically turn toward the side that was stroked and begin a sucking motion with the mouth.  When Carter roots you know he is ready to eat.  They have also increased his feeds to 50 mL per feed.  He is doing really well tonight and we are anxious for his next weight as he is nearing 6 pounds!!!  Enjoy your Carter pose for the night, he looks asleep but looking at this pose I think he knows there's a camera in his face.


  1. what a beautiful little baby you are Carter! It won't be long
    before you are on your way home with Mommy and Daddy.
