Father's Day


Monday, June 23, 2014

Happy Summer

Monday, 6/23/14

Carter wishes everyone a Happy Summer.  He started summer off on the longest day of the year last Friday hanging out at the beach during sunset to enjoy the breeze and scenes.  He had a good time in his little baby bubble.  Today Carter had a well baby visit and wanted to announce that he has surpassed the 10 pound mark.  He was really good at his visit and everyone was impressed with his progress.  He is still on Neosure and eating every 4 hours.  On Saturday night Carter slept for 6 hours during the night for the first time.  It was wonderful and hasn't happened since lol.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

A special day

Sunday, 6/15/14

I could have never expected Father's Day to mean so much until Carter came into my life.  I have had a perfect day thanks to this little miracle and my amazing wife, Katie.  Carter spent a lot of the day resting and then woke up around 5 p.m. with a lot of energy so we decided to do some tummy time when the most amazing thing happened.....Carter rolled over for the first time.  He actually did it 4 times.  His own little gift to me on Father's Day!  I have a feeling he will always achieve anything he wants regardless of how little, how young or how soon it may seem.  Break down the boundaries little man, I am SO PROUD!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Settling in

Thursday, 6/12/14

Carter has been doing great.  He has been gradually settling in and having more awake time and eating more.  Last night was our first night of a solid 4 hours of sleep.  Carter is drinking 3-4 ounces each feed.  He was placed on Zantac for his reflux which really seems to be helping him.  Here are a couple pictures for you all to enjoy.  Don't forget to share my new blog preemiepowerparents.blogspot.com and I am now on Twitter @powerpreemies

Here is a link to a cute video of Carter doing Tummy Time on my chest.


Carter has a dimple, who knew!

Milk drunk

Thursday, June 5, 2014

8 Pounder


Carter had his pediatrician appointment yesterday and did very well.  He does have a little bout of thrush that we are treating but he is doing great.  He weighed in at 8 pounds and is 19.5 inches tall.  He is getting into a better schedule and still wakes up about every 3 hours for feedings.  Here are a couple pictures of the last wall in Carter's bedroom that I had to finish.

The words were made using all of the identification stickers from visiting Carter each day at the hospital.  

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Eye Exam Day

Tuesday 6/3/14

Carter made a trip to Maitland, near Orlando today for his follow-up eye exam.  He did very well and his exam was normal!!  We were very excited about this news.  They also measured the pressure inside of his eyes and said that was also normal.  We do not need to go back now until September.  Tomorrow we have a pediatrician appointment that we are looking forward to so we can see how much weight he has gained.  Carter is currently doing tummy time and showing off his amazing neck strength.  The picture below was done by our friend Cat who does amazing photography.  She captured our adorable little man perfectly.