Father's Day


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

1 year anniversary NICU grad


One year ago Carter finished his 84 day NICU journey and came home with Katie and I to finally start our family together.  As I look back over the past year he has brought so much joy and happiness to our life.  We have experienced the lack of sleep we knew to expect and we have experienced the moments that make being parents so rewarding.  Seeing him go from 2 pounds 1 ounce with apneas, bradys and desats to over 20 pounds, babbling, smiling, laughing, crawling and sharing his personality is the most amazing thing my life has brought me.  I am so proud of our little NICU graduate today seeing how far he has come in the last year.  Many people say kids do not come with instructions and that is something I have learned very quickly but I have also learned that love and faith go a long way when faced with challenges that test your understanding of why, when and how.   No matter what your challenge let your journey be guided by your heart and your faith.  Miracles will happen.