Father's Day


Monday, April 7, 2014

Chick-fil-a Monday

Monday, 4/7/14

Carter has been doing well today.  He is 3 pounds 5 ounces and tolerating his feeds well.  He has been doing well on his 5L/min of oxygen and responded well to the Lasix so the medical team is decreasing his flow to 4.5 L/min.  They are going to take it very slow this time around since it took him so long to recover from the last decrease.  We did get the results back of the eye exam.  He does have Stage I Retinopathy of Prematurity.  The good news is that the majority of these cases resolve on their own.  Another eye exam will be done in 2 weeks.  We will keep you posted.  We are not going to get to see him today which is tough however we will get to be with many great people who have been supporting us all along.  Tonight is the Chick-fil-a for Carter night at our local Chick-fil-a.  A number of weeks ago the Manager there called my sister Melissa and wanted to help so he offered to host this night.  Thank you Steven!  We so appreciate you and your staff tonight as you bring together people for Baby Carter.  For those of you not able to attend we feel your prayers everyday!  
Taken yesterday, very snug Carter.

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