Father's Day


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Happy 2nd Week Birthday Carter

Tuesday, 3/11/14

First let's say Happy 2nd week birthday baby Carter.  I never thought I would be celebrating weekly birthdays but everyday with this little guy is an absolute blessing that I will never take for granted.  

For his 2nd week birthday the staff gave him a phototherapy light.  Yes, he is back on phototherapy.  His bilirubin is 6.5 and anytime they hit 6 or above the light comes back out.  I think I will start a line of designer masks for preemies.  He remains on the ventilator but is doing well.  He is down to only 21%-23% oxygen which is as low as you can go.  They are planning on an x-ray in the morning so I expect it will look better.  They did increase his feeds to 2 mL every 3 hours which the jury is still out on whether he is tolerating this increase.  He had a bit of residual after the first increased feed so they are hoping this next one will go through without a problem.  

Katie and I are going to a function at 6 that the hospital puts on for parents of the NICU where we get to meet other parents and learn about different things that we can do for him and other topics.  


  1. Yay!! Happy 2nd week birthday baby boy. I love you :-)

  2. Happy Birthday Carter! You are getting to be one cutie.

  3. Happy 2nd week b-day little man. Hope you have a positive day!
