Father's Day


Friday, March 14, 2014

Feed Me!

Friday, 3/14/14

TGIF has taken on a whole new meaning.  It means we get to spend the next three days with Carter.  He remains on the ventilator and is stable.  The medical team is considering starting him on a course of steroids in an effort to reduce some lung inflammation that seems to be preventing him from weaning from the ventilator.  We haven't a chance to talk to the Neonatologist today so that is all we know right now about his lungs.  They did do an x-ray this morning and it reported that his lungs show slight improvement from earlier in the week.  He is eating well, what Hoffman doesn't?  They have increased his feeds to 5 mL every 3 hours.  He has broken his own record for staying off of phototherapy now at 48 hours and going strong.  I have not provided a weight in some time because of the amount of fluid he was retaining last week however it appears that most of it has gone down.  This morning he weighed in at 2 pounds 8 ounces!!!  Grow little Carter grow!

This is a picture of Carter's blood pressure cuff.  It's only 1 inch thick.


  1. Yay!! Grow my little superman!! I feel awful I couldn't come see you tonight. I miss you and hopefully next Friday I'll be feeling better so I can see your sweet face!! Love you :-)
