Carter has a good day today. I got a call earlier today from Nurse Practitioner Mary that Carter decided to remove his CPAP nasal cannula and when they walked in he was waving it in the air. He is showing off I think. On that note, after they advised him how important his oxygen is and taped it back securely they did reduce the rate of breaths on the CPAP from 40 to 30 breaths per minute. He has been doing well with this and they believe they will be able to continue to wean his settings. His tube feedings have again been increased and now he is eating 15 mL every 3 hours. I think they are trying to fatten him up before the steroids are stopped on Sunday. He is still peeing however the medical team are not concerned about the amount since his electrolytes are now more stable. Since Facebook has termed Thursdays, Throwback Thursdays I thought Carter would like to get in the act so here is the preemie version of Throwback Thursday! Grow Baby Carter Grow!
Boy are you growing. What a great looking little guy you are.
ReplyDeleteI think I even saw some rolls of fat the other day. Keep up the
good work!
Yay Carter is definitely growing bigger now. Good job little guy!! :D
ReplyDeleteYou can tell he is getting bigger! Grow little man!