Father's Day


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Carter's 1st Selfie

Sunday, 3/16/14

Carter had a better night and morning.  His secretions have seemed to lessen and he has been more stable on the ventilator.  The nurses really felt that doing some kangaroo care today would be helpful so about 40 minutes ago Nurse Heidi and RT Donna let Carter go on a little field trip to Mommy's chest.  He has been doing very well with this maintaining his oxygen saturation and temperature.  We did talk with the Nurse Practitioner this morning and Carter's white blood count and c-reactive protein did not rise so they will be starting a short course low dose steroid in an attempt to get him off of the ventilator.  They will continue to monitor him for any signs of infection but based on his labs and how he looks clinically today they do not think there is any infection.  Initially this morning he was not feeding well however this afternoon he has done better.  We are looking forward to a week full of progress. 

                                                            Carter's 1st Selfie


  1. So good to see the Hoffman family together again.
    It's just what Carter needs some special
    time with Mom and Dad. Hugs
