Father's Day


Monday, March 3, 2014

6 Days Old

3/3/14 0900 am

Baby Carter had a good night and this morning was taken off of the ventilator.  He seems to be holding his own as they continue to take blood gasses to monitor his success.  He is having an echocardiogram right now to see if his PDA has closed up.  We face some nervousness today as the ventilator is off since we know its his turn to fight again.  We know he can do it because he has proven his strength.  He is still under the lights although his bilirubin did improve slighty to 3.4.  His weight today has hit the 2 pound mark.  Thank you for all of your prayers and keep them coming!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, go baby boy!! I know you can do this!!I love you :-)
