Father's Day


Monday, March 10, 2014

PDA gone away

Monday, 3/10/14 

Carter has received official results from the cardiac echocardiogram that he closed his PDA.  He celebrated with a nap (see pic below).  He remains on the ventilator and they changed his setting from CMV to SIMV.  Instead of getting a fixed volume they are now providing him with pressure.  He seems to be doing better with this setting.  The hopes are that this will keep the air cells open and help to clear up the fluid.  He is also still off of the phototherapy however his bilirubin did rise today so he better enjoy this while it lasts because without going #2 it's going to be a rave in the man cave in no time.  His feedings were restarted today at 1mL every 3 hours so hopefully he will tolerate it.  Something tells me this is going to be a good week! #babycarterstrong

                   Sleeping Baby Carter.  What you can't see is his left leg sticking out over the nest


  1. OMG! I can't believe how beautiful he is. I am so looking forward to seeing him again. He is so strong. Go baby Carter, go!

  2. He really is an amazing little boy. All of the nurses love him!

  3. So glad to hear everything is going well. Such a little fighter! I keep him in my prayers daily.
