Father's Day


Friday, March 28, 2014

31 Weeks Gestation

Friday, 3/28/14

Today Carter is 31 weeks gestation.  He is 2 pounds 15 ounces.  His feeds are going well and remains on 26 mL every 3 hours.  His respiratory function has been so so today.  He was decreased to 4 L/min and this morning he began to have trouble with his breathing and had a slight rise in his carbon dioxide so they increased him 5 L and also had to increase his oxygen level to 32%.  They have been able to gradually decrease his oxygen level down to 26% and he remains on 5 L/min.  The medical team says that his lungs still sound nice and clear and they believe that he will improve over the next day with his saturation level and oxygen demands.  We did a little bit of kangaroo care today but after his oxygen levels went down a couple times we had to place him back in his baby cave.  Keep growing little man, you are loved by thousands.



  1. Hang in there guys. Hope to see you in Barbados. Love, Mary and Fletcher
