Father's Day


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Weekend Work-Out

Saturday, 4/5/14

Carter has been doing well today but since he has turned 32 weeks gestation he now has to maintain his saturation at 88% instead of 85%, so needless to say we have heard the alarm beeping all day.  We have established that his back is not a happy place however during his first Occupational Therapy session today they said that they need to try and get him to lay more on his back so that they can have his head be more midline and less on his sides to prevent a pancake head.  They will be working with him 4 days a week.  His weight today was 3 pounds 3 ounces.  He received his last Lasix dose yesterday and probably will not be peeing as much so should start gaining weight again.  His Vapotherm (high flow nasal cannula) is still at 5 L and he has been requiring anywhere from 24% - 28% oxygen to keep his saturation level above 88%.  We have noticed that he has been more awake yesterday and today which makes him difficult to leave.  We are so blessed to have Carter in our lives and so blessed to have all of you thinking and praying for him and us as we continue through our journey!


1 comment:

  1. Love this pic! Looks like he's saying, "Just wait, I'm gonna be a force to be reckoned with when I get out of here!"
