Carter had another successful bottle day. He drank 22 mL and did well. Katie was even able to try the bottle feed today. The Nurse Practitioner said that he has progressed quicker than they thought given how premature he is. They will start giving him 2 bottles a day tomorrow. He is a good burper too in case anyone was wondering. The feeding takes about 30 minutes since he takes 5 sucks then rests to breath before he continues. He is up to 40 mL per feed so whatever he doesn't take in the bottle they give the rest through his NG tube. He has continued to do well without supplemental oxygen however he has had some desaturations the lowest being 84% but with some re-positioning he comes back up. His weight today was 4 pounds 11 ounces. What a big boy!!!! I decided to one up my bottle picture promise and instead am sharing a video.
I keep watching this over and over. He is so precious. He really likes his food! And the little grunt at the end is just his way of saying "Hi Pop Pop!".