Father's Day


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Movin on up

Thursday, 4/17/14

Carter has officially moved from an isolette to a crib!!!  He has done well with it and maintained his temperature.  The Lasix is doing its job and his breathing is so much improved that they have reduced his flow of oxygen to 2L/min requiring only 25% concentration.  He is still a little puffy but this should improve.  He has one more dose of Lasix to go.  He had occupational therapy today and we got to learn different techniques to help relax his muscles and keep him happy.  I think I may have learned something too to help my tension headaches, thanks OT Kelly.  Mommy got to hold him today for 2 hours and Nurse Lyndsey gave him a bath before we arrived today which she said he loved.  She also put him in a new outfit that she couldn't resist because it said "pinch me" with crabs on it (see a pic of him showing off his butt crab below).  I have also included a few pictures of the work I have been doing on Carter's room.  I have been busy drawing and painting.  I still have an elephant, tiger, frogs and foliage to paint.  


  1. I love his crab bottom! Super cute! And his room looks fantastic! Super gentle hugs to Carter!

  2. That's great, Carter that you are in an open air crib! It must feel different to you and Mommy and Daddy.Can't wait to see you again and your nursery. It's looking really good!

  3. wow you are so good at painting, Matt. They look great on the wall! :)
