Today Carter turned 11 months old. A little recap to the month of Carter's new tricks include looking for toys after he drops them and just recently he became an "official" sitter. He requires very little support during sitting anymore and does a great job correcting his posture when he gets off-centered. Carter still loves saying da, da, da, da, da which we tend to hear a lot more when he gets tired. He is also saying "th" and a little bit of ba, ba as well. He has become a master at rolling over from his belly to back but we are still working on back to belly. He is becoming more consistent with his eating which makes mommy and daddy very happy. His two bottom teeth and just about fully in so beware he is not afraid to chomp down on your fingers if they get close enough. Every night him and I play and I couldn't think of doing anything else. He is my little buddy and I cannot wait to see what he continues to have in store for us each month. Enjoy his 11 month old pic.
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