Happy Easter Everyone! Carter had fun last night dying his first Easter Eggs. He loved the colors, especially trying to dunk his hand instead of the eggs in the color. Carter has been doing well. He recently was re-evaluated by the Early Steps program which is a program to catch preemies up to their peers by the age of 2. He was found to be behind in a number of areas including adaptive development, communication, motor and to a lesser degree cognitive and personal-social. Due to this he will be getting PT and ST in the coming weeks. We continue to work with him on a nightly basis and we are hopeful that the therapists will be able to give us good tools to work with to help him exceed his goals. He is doing better with attempts at crawling. He gets up on all fours now and rocks but just doesn't seem to catapult himself into a forward motion. He has mastered the art of rolling to his intended target and spinning. His eating is getting there but he has difficulty with new textures. The GI specialist who we saw on Friday encourages us to continue to offer him foods with chunkier textures every 3 to 4 days until he starts to tolerate them. For now we are sticking with stage 2 and some stage 3 pureed foods. He is eating more of the baby food now and less of the milk but we have to watch his calories close since his growth curve went up but his weight curve went down during this past visit. When we think back to one year ago he was moving from the Level III to the Level II area of the NICU, the feeder and grower floor. We were scared but knew it was the next step. Those fears never change when you are a NICU parent as you watch development and see other kids younger than him passing him in every area. We are thankful for the therapists and professionals who make it their life to see him succeed. We are so happy and blessed to have this Easter to enjoy with him at home and seeing the excitement on his little face when he plays with what the Easter Bunny brought him. Carter is an amazing little boy and he brings more joy to Katie and my life than anything we have ever experienced. Very soon we will be walking with him for the March of Dimes. Whether it is a micropreemie like Carter, a preemie or just a baby that is born with a defect they all need help in some way and the research that The March of Dimes conducts and puts into practice not only saves lives but makes those little lives blow through obstacles that at one time were impossible to overcome. I have placed a link to our page to donate to Carter's Courage for the March of Dimes. We wish you all a very Happy Easter and thank God everyday for the blessings he has given us!

What is this thing?
Uh oh it's getting away!
Oh boy this is about to get fun!
Wait a second this is kinda messy, what have I done?
You will notice one egg is missing. Previously pictured egg succumb to its injuries sustained at the hands of Baby Carter. RIP little egg. Wait, no Daddy ate it anyway!
The Easter Bunny has arrived!!!!
Time to get down to business
There were extensions in my Easter basket