It has been a little while since my last post because I have been busy enjoying our amazing little boy. He is doing very well. He now weighs 10 and a half pounds and is 21 inches long. He is quickly realizing what he likes and what he doesn't like. He is a very content little man and a lot of fun to watch. He makes many adorable faces. He does not socially smile yet (we are working on it) but he does what I call facial progressions. He will smile, frown, smirk and make other faces all back to back within a couple of seconds like he is doing a system check to make sure it all still works. It is very cute to watch. He is still rolling over from belly to back and is now also starting to teethe. I have learned quite a bit being a new parent as well. In no particular order here is my Top 10 List:
#10. Let a sleeping baby sleep
#9. Being a heavy sleeper will forever be a thing of the past.
#8. Babies have an unbelievable ability to know when you are eating
#7. Keep dirty diapers further than a legs length
#6. If you know #2 has just happened give at least 2 minutes before removing the dirty diaper
#5. I never realized how many ways there are to burp a baby, and that no one way works every time
#4. It is almost impossible to put on a shirt when the baby will not bend his arm
#3. I have never been so tempted to run red lights just to keep the car moving
#2. Never change a diaper after filling the baby belly
#1. There are no words to describe the feeling of holding a miracle
Now enjoy some pictures of Carter!!!!
"This Bumbo chair is pretty neat"
10 seconds later.........."Get me outta here"
"Yum, mouse ears!"
Well I'll try again....Thanks for the pictures, Derrick and I enjoyed them so very much and had a good laugh over your new parent comments. We are just thrilled that you and Katie are finally able to have this precious time with the joy of your life. God is good! I love you both so very much!