Father's Day


Friday, February 28, 2014

3 Days Old 2:31pm

Today Carter has been doing well.  His bilirubin has improved so that one of the two phototherapy lights have been removed.  His is still on CPAP however his chest x-ray does show Respiratory Distress Syndrome.  This finding is not at all surprising and since he is holding his own the doctors are going to just watch it for now.  He might end up being back on the ventilator but for now he is ok.  He did give us a little scare this morning when his heart rate which is normally from 140-170 suddenly dropped to the 30s for a couple of seconds.  He had two episodes of this that completely resolved on their own within seconds.  They said that preemies often go through this since their body does not have the ability to regulate itself well.  I told Carter that Daddy does not like any kind of roller coaster so he needs to not do this again.  There has been a high demand for what his incubator looks like so the picture below is his little rainforest.  It is 98 degrees with 70% humidity.  He is tolerating breast milk through his feeding tube and is going to have a PICC line placed today which is like an IV that can stay in for a long period of time so that they can take out some of the other lines going into his belly that provide him with fluids.  The less lines there are the less likely he will have an infection.

I know many of you would also like to make comments however this blog, since it is Google requires you  to have a Google account.  I did set up a # for those of you on Twitter that would like to make comments.  It is #babycarterstrong.  We love seeing all of your support.  You all mean so much to us and we tell Carter daily about all of the prayers from friends and family that he is receiving.