Father's Day


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Happy 8 Months Old Carter


Today Carter turned 8 months old.  He has been doing wonderful.  He is a happy little man who smiles a lot and is learning so many new things.  He loves to play with his hands and eat them.  He has been sleeping well at night and wakes up very happy.  It's the naps that you have to worry about, he doesn't take many and when he does he's a bit tearful when he wakes up (easily consolable though so that's a plus).  He has been doing great with his eating and is taking his bottles now in under 30 minutes.  Burping has taken on an art and I have come up with a technique I call co-burping.  This is especially helpful when Carter is milk drunk (see below photo).  For those of you wondering, milk drunk occurs mostly around 9 pm where Carter basically sleep drinks and when it's time to burp he is so tired he can't even hold his own head up.  Burping can be tough so Mommy holds him while Daddy pats his back.  This has yielded a burp 100% of the time.  I might have to write a book on this new found technique.  He has been eating baby food now as well.  This is quite entertaining since he is not the greatest at opening his mouth to accept the food.  It requires Daddy and Mommy to put on their best show like singing, dancing and acting goofy just to get a smile so we can sneak the food in as fast as possible, I refer to it as a baby food plane crash.  It can be a messy experience.  His favorites so far are carrots, sweet potatoes, squash and pears.  He is doing well at Daycare and has been quite excited when he sees his teachers who have been amazing at learning and understanding what it is to care for a preemie with eating issues.  Carter is looking forward to his 1st Halloween and I would really recommend you stay tuned to this blog because you will not want to miss his costume.  Enjoy the pics for now, Happy 8 months Carter, the man, the strongest, my hero! #babycarterstrong

Pumpkin patch time

Chillin in my love seat

Taken from a previous post.  This is "milk drunk"

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

7 Months and a Baptism

October 1, 2014

It's been a busy week for little Carter.  Last Thursday he turned 7 months old and then on Saturday he was baptized.  Family near and far gathered together for this joyous moment.  Carter wore my baptism outfit and Father Tom at St. Brendan's Catholic Church performed the ceremony.  Afterwards the whole family went to dinner to celebrate.  It was a great moment for us and Carter.  He has been doing very well and continues to get bigger and stronger.  He is an amazing little boy and it is such a blessing to see how far he has come the past 7 months.  I hope you all enjoy the pictures of the past week.

Oh boy, pictures!

I'm 7 months? Meee?

Great Baptism Celebration

Carter and his Godparents, my cousin/brother Kyle and Katie's sister Kristen

What?  I can't eat this cake? No fair!